IHC 1977 – R.G. Flexon

This is one sermon you have got to hear! Actually, it is not a sermon. From what I understand Dr. Flexon was asked to speak before the mass choir sang at the Inter-Church Holiness Convention in 1977. At this point Dr. Flexon was 82 or 83 years old. To the best of my understanding he was to give a challenge to those in attendance. God came while he was speaking and there were many who got blessed (including me while listening to this in 2007!) and there were many who came to the altar to pray. In this “challenge” Dr. Flexon shares some interesting things about his life. This is a fascinating listen from a man God used powerfully in his lifetime.

Click here to listen or to download to your computer.

Read more about Dr. Flexon’s life: Part 1, Part 2

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